On this week’s 51%, we recognize Mother's Day and speak with author and psychotherapist Emma Nadler about her new memoir, The Unlikely Village of Eden, on her experience as a parent of a child with disabilities. With both compassion and humor, Nadler urges mothers to find community and accept “parenting imperfectly” when life doesn’t go to plan. WAMC’s Ian Pickus also speaks with Mary Louise Kelly, co-host of NPR’s All Things Considered, about her latest book, It. Goes. So. Fast., chronicling her attempt to put work on the back burner in the last year of her sons’ childhoods.
Guests: Emma Nadler, author of The Unlikely Village of Eden; Mary Louise Kelly, co-host of All Things Considered and author of It. Goes. So. Fast.: The Year of No Do-Overs
51% is a national production of WAMC Northeast Public Radio in Albany, New York. Our host is Jesse King, our associate producer is Jody Cowan, our executive producer is Dr. Alan Chartock, and our theme is “Lolita” by the Albany-based artist Girl Blue.
On this week’s 51%, we take a break to focus ourselves. Dermatologist Dr. Jean Buhac offers up some tips to better love the skin...
On this week’s 51%, Albany OB GYN Dr. Katherine Cartwright offers her guidance for those struggling with infertility, and we speak with Albany Medical...
On this week’s 51%, it’s that time of year… when people are talking about food more than usual. Alice Waters has been talking about...