Parenting isn’t easy – especially when children are difficult. On this week’s 51%, Dr. Adelia Moore discusses how you can become a more confident parent, love with conviction, and see your children as the unique individuals they are. Dr. Moore is a retired clinical psychologist from New York City who specialized in family relationships. Her book on the subject is Being the Grownup: Love, Limits and the Natural Authority of Parenthood. We also hear from North Country Public Radio’s Amy Feiereisel about what a shortage of early intervention specialists means for children with developmental delays and disabilities.
Guests: Dr. Adelia Moore, clinical psychiatrist and author of Being the Grownup: Love, Limits, and the Natural Authority of Parenthood
51% is a national production of WAMC Northeast Public Radio in Albany, New York. Our host is Jesse King, our associate producer is Jody Cowan, our executive producer is Dr. Alan Chartock, and our theme is “Lolita” by the Albany-based artist Girl Blue.
On this week’s 51%, we speak with attorney Renee Bauer about why she wants to change the narrative around rejection and divorce – and...
On this week’s 51%, we discuss the inflammatory condition endometriosis: what it is, what it looks like, and how it’s treated. We also speak...
On this week’s 51%, our Associate Producer, Jody Cowan, speaks with physician and author Dr. Gail Gazelle about how healthcare workers can use mindfulness...