Love is not just for the young. On this week’s 51%, we speak with editors Nan Bauer-Maglin and Daniel Hood about their new book Gray Love: Stories About Dating and New Relationships After 60. From terrible first dates to newfound partnerships, Gray Love explores how the search for companionship does and doesn’t change after retirement – and how it always teaches us more about ourselves. We also speak with the women behind upstate New York’s newest dating service, Micropolitan Matchmakers.
Guests: Nan Bauer-Maglin and Daniel Hood, editors of Gray Love: Stories About Dating and New Relationships After 60; Becky Daniels and Gabby Fisher, co-founders of Metropolitan Matchmakers
51% is a national production of WAMC Northeast Public Radio in Albany, New York. It’s produced and hosted by Jesse King. Our associate producer is Jody Cowan, our executive producer is Dr. Alan Chartock, and our theme is “Lolita” by the Albany-based artist Girl Blue.
On this week’s 51%, we speak with University at Albany professor Dr. Janell Hobson about the life and work of Harriet Tubman, and a...
On today’s 51%, I visit a psychiatric ward in Cleveland to learn how one nurse reaches her patients with tea parties. And we’ll hear...
On this week’s 51%, Albany OB GYN Dr. Katherine Cartwright offers her guidance for those struggling with infertility, and we speak with Albany Medical...