#1746: New Year, Happier You | 51%

January 06, 2023 00:36:36
#1746: New Year, Happier You | 51%
51 Percent
#1746: New Year, Happier You | 51%

Jan 06 2023 | 00:36:36


Show Notes

What’s your New Year’s resolution? On the latest 51%, we speak with dietician and personal trainer Nicole Rodriguez about how to set healthy and realistic nutrition goals that fit your lifestyle. And in this season of gym memberships, career scheming, and personal development, one multi-generational study suggests the key to fulfillment is actually, quite simple: nurturing our relationships. The New York Times’ Jancee Dunn shares what we can learn from the world’s longest-running study on human happiness. We'll also hear from a New York high school student who participated in the historic inauguration of Governor Kathy Hochul.

Guests: Nicole Rodriguez, registered dietitian and personal trainer; Jancee Dunn, Well columnist for The New York Times

You can find the New York Times’ 7-day Happiness Challenge here.

51% is a national production of WAMC Northeast Public Radio in Albany, New York. It is hosted and produced by Jesse King. Our associate producer is Jody Cowan, our executive producer is Dr. Alan Chartock, and our theme is “Lolita” by the Albany-based artist Girl Blue.

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